Communication schemas for ObserveRTC components
The communication between services in ObserveRTC is described by the communication schema. The schema is versioned and the version of the schema must be supported by the component processing the receiving data. Currently the following communication schemas are used:
- Samples schema describes the communication between monitors and observers
- Reports schema describes the communication between observers and 3rd party integrated components
Samples carry measurements and metadata about media unit(s). Fields of a Samples message:
- controls: Additional control flags indicate various operation has to be performed
- clientSamples: List of client application provided samples
- sfuSamples: List of Selective Forwarding Units provided samples
- turnSamples: List of TURN service provided samples
Client application provided samples
The client application for a WebRTC service provide Samples contain one or more ClientSamples.
Currently the ClientSample carries the following information about the browser-side clients:
- clientId: Unique id of the client providing samples. Must be a valid UUID
- timestamp: The timestamp the sample is created in GMT
- callId: If it is provided the server uses the given id to match clients in the same call. Must be a valid UUID.
- sampleSeq: The sequence number a source assigns to the sample. Every time the source make a sample at a client this number should be monothonically incremented.
- roomId: The WebRTC app configured room id the client joined for the call.
- userId: The WebRTC app configured human readable user id the client is joined.
- engine: WebRTC App provided information related to the engine the client uses.
- platform: WebRTC App provided information related to the platform the client uses.
- browser: WebRTC App provided information related to the browser the client uses.
- os: WebRTC App provided information related to the operation system the client uses.
- mediaConstraints: The WebRTC app provided List of the media constraints the client has.
- mediaDevices: The WebRTC app provided List of the media devices the client has.
- userMediaErrors: The WebRTC app provided List of user media errors the client has.
- extensionStats: The WebRTC app provided custom stats payload
- iceServers: The WebRTC app provided List of ICE server the client used.
- localSDPs: The local part of the Signal Description Protocol to establish connections
- pcTransports: Compound object related to Peer Connection Transport Stats
- mediaSources: WebRTC App provided information related to the operation system the client uses.
- codecs: List of codec the client has
- certificates: List of certificates the client provided
- inboundAudioTracks: List of compound measurements related to inbound audio tracks
- inboundVideoTracks: List of compound measurements related to inbound video tracks
- outboundAudioTracks: List of compound measurements related to outbound audio tracks
- outboundVideoTracks: List of compound measurements related to outbound video tracks
- iceLocalCandidates: List of local ICE candidates
- iceRemoteCandidates: List of remote ICE candidates
- dataChannels: List of Data channels
- timeZoneOffsetInHours: The offset from GMT in hours
- marker: Special marker for the samples
Selective Forwarding Units provided Samples
The SFU provided Samples contain one or more SFUSamples.
Currently the SFUSample carries the following information about the SFU:
- sfuId: Unique generated id for the sfu samples are originated from
- timestamp: The timestamp the sample is created in GMT
- timeZoneOffsetInHours: The offset from GMT in hours
- marker: Special marker for the samples
- transports: The Sfu Transports obtained measurements
- inboundRtpPads: The Sfu Inbound Rtp Pad obtained measurements
- outboundRtpPads: The Sfu Outbound Rtp Pad obtained measurements
- sctpChannels: The Sfu Outbound Rtp Pad obtained measurements
- extensionStats: The Sfu provided custom stats payload
TURN service provided Samples
The TURN service provided Samples contain one or more TurnSample
Currently the TURNSample carries the following information about TURN service:
- serverId: A unique id of the turn server
- allocations: Peer Alloocation data
- sessions: Session data
Reports created by the Observer. The structure of a report message is the following:
- type: The type of the report
- payload: The payload of the actual report
- schemaVersion: The version of the schema the payload holds
Call Event Reports
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- name: The name of the event. Possible values are:
Call Meta Reports
Descriptive information about calls or clients
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleTimestamp: The timestamp of the sample the event related to
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the event may related to
- payload: The payload for the metadata reported for the peeer connection
- type: The type of the meta data. Possible values are:
Client DataChannel Reports
Measurements of data channels of a peer connection belongs to a client.
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the report is generated from
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- peerConnectionLabel: The webrtc app provided label for the peer connection
- label: The label of the data channel
- protocol: The protocol used for the data channel
- state: The state of the data channel
- messagesSent: Represents the total number of API message events sent
- bytesSent: Represents the total number of payload bytes sent on the corresponded data channel
- messagesReceived: Represents the total number of API message events received on the corresponded data channel
- bytesReceived: Represents the total number of payload bytes received on the corresponded data channel
Client Extension Reports
Arbitrary information provided by a client-side application.
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- extensionType: The name of the event
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the event may related to
- payload: the human readable message of the event
Client Transport Reports
Measurements of peer connection belogns to a client.
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- label: The webrtc app provided label the peer connection is marked with
- packetsSent: Represents the total number of packets sent on the corresponded transport
- packetsReceived: Represents the total number of packets received on the corresponded transport
- bytesSent: Represents the total amount of bytes sent on the corresponded transport
- bytesReceived: Represents the total amount of bytes received on the corresponded transport
- iceRole: Represent the current role of ICE under DTLS Transport
- iceLocalUsernameFragment: Represent the current local username fragment used in message validation procedures for ICE under DTLS Transport
- dtlsState: Represents the current state of DTLS for the peer connection transport layer
- iceTransportState: Represents the current transport state (RTCIceTransportState) of ICE for the peer connection transport layer
- tlsVersion: Represents the version number of the TLS used in the corresponded transport
- dtlsCipher: Represents the name of the DTLS cipher used in the corresponded transport
- srtpCipher: Represents the name of the SRTP cipher used in the corresponded transport
- tlsGroup: Represents the name of the IANA TLS Supported Groups used in the corresponded transport
- selectedCandidatePairChanges: The total number of candidate pair changes over the peer connection
- localAddress: The address of the candidate (IPv4, IPv6, FQDN)
- localPort: The locally used port to communicate with the remote peer
- localProtocol: The protocol used by the local endpoint for the corresponded transport
- localCandidateType: The type of the ICE candidate used at the local endpoint on the corresponded transport
- localCandidateICEServerUrl: The url of the ICE server used by the local endpoint on the corresponded transport
- localCandidateRelayProtocol: The relay protocol of the ICE candidate used by the local endpoint on the corresponded transport
- remoteAddress: The address of the candidate (IPv4, IPv6, FQDN)
- remotePort: The remotely used port to communicate with the remote peer
- remoteProtocol: The protocol used by the remote endpoint for the corresponded transport
- remoteCandidateType: The type of the ICE candidate used at the remote endpoint on the corresponded transport
- remoteCandidateICEServerUrl: The url of the ICE server used by the remote endpoint on the corresponded transport
- remoteCandidateRelayProtocol: The relay protocol of the ICE candidate used by the remote endpoint on the corresponded transport
- candidatePairState: The state of ICE Candidate Pairs (RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState) on the corresponded transport
- candidatePairPacketsSent: The total number of packets sent using the last selected candidate pair over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairPacketsReceived: The total number of packets received using the last selected candidate pair over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairBytesSent: The total number of bytes sent using the last selected candidate pair over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairBytesReceived: The total number of bytes received using the last selected candidate pair over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairLastPacketSentTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the last packet was sent on the selected candidate pair, excluding STUN packets over the corresponded transport (UTC Epoch in ms)
- candidatePairLastPacketReceivedTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the last packet was received on the selected candidate pair, excluding STUN packets over the corresponded transport (UTC Epoch in ms)
- candidatePairFirstRequestTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the first STUN request was sent on this particular candidate pair over the corresponded transport (UTC Epoch in ms)
- candidatePairLastRequestTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the last STUN request was sent on this particular candidate pair over the corresponded transport (UTC Epoch in ms)
- candidatePairLastResponseTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the last STUN response was received on this particular candidate pair over the corresponded transport (UTC Epoch in ms)
- candidatePairTotalRoundTripTime: Represents the sum of all round trip time measurements in seconds since the beginning of the session, based on STUN connectivity check over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairCurrentRoundTripTime: Represents the last round trip time measurements in seconds based on STUN connectivity check over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairAvailableOutgoingBitrate: The sum of the underlying cc algorithm provided outgoing bitrate for the RTP streams over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairAvailableIncomingBitrate: The sum of the underlying cc algorithm provided incoming bitrate for the RTP streams over the corresponded transport
- candidatePairCircuitBreakerTriggerCount: The total number of circuit breaker triggered over the corresponded transport using the selected candidate pair
- candidatePairRequestsReceived: Represents the total number of connectivity check requests received on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairRequestsSent: Represents the total number of connectivity check requests sent on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairResponsesReceived: Represents the total number of connectivity check responses received on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairResponsesSent: Represents the total number of connectivity check responses sent on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairRetransmissionReceived: Represents the total number of connectivity check retransmission received on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairRetransmissionSent: Represents the total number of connectivity check retransmission sent on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairConsentRequestsSent: Represents the total number of consent requests sent on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairConsentExpiredTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the latest valid STUN binding response expired on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairBytesDiscardedOnSend: Total amount of bytes for this candidate pair that have been discarded due to socket errors on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairPacketsDiscardedOnSend: Total amount of packets for this candidate pair that have been discarded due to socket errors on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairRequestBytesSent: Total number of bytes sent for connectivity checks on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairConsentRequestBytesSent: Total number of bytes sent for consent requests on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- candidatePairResponseBytesSent: Total number of bytes sent for connectivity check responses on the selected candidate pair using the corresponded transport
- sctpSmoothedRoundTripTime: The latest smoothed round-trip time value, corresponding to spinfo_srtt defined in [RFC6458] but converted to seconds.
- sctpCongestionWindow: The latest congestion window, corresponding to spinfo_cwnd.
- sctpReceiverWindow: The latest receiver window, corresponding to sstat_rwnd.
- sctpMtu: The latest maximum transmission unit, corresponding to spinfo_mtu.
- sctpUnackData: The number of unacknowledged DATA chunks, corresponding to sstat_unackdata.
Inbound Audio Track Reports
Measurements of a Media Track receives audio content from a remote client
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the report is generated from
- ssrc: The RTP SSRC field
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- label: The webrtc app provided label the peer connection is labeled with
- trackId: The id of the track
- sfuStreamId: The id of the Sfu stream the media from
- sfuSinkId: The id of the sink the Sfu streamed the media out
- remoteTrackId: The id of the remote track this inbound track is originated from
- remoteUserId: The webrtc app provided user id the track belongs to, or if the webrtc app did not provided the observer tried to match it
- remoteClientId: The observer matched remote client Id
- remotePeerConnectionId: The observer matched remote Peer Connection Id
- packetsReceived: The total number of packets received on the corresponded synchronization source
- packetsLost: The total number of bytes received on the corresponded synchronization source
- jitter: The corresponded synchronization source reported jitter
- packetsDiscarded: The total number of packets missed the playout point and therefore discarded by the jitterbuffer
- packetsRepaired: The total number of packets repaired by either FEC or due to retransmission on the corresponded synchronization source
- burstPacketsLost: The total number of packets lost in burst (RFC6958)
- burstPacketsDiscarded: The total number of packets discarded in burst (RFC6958)
- burstLossCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsLost on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsDiscarded on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- voiceActivityFlag: Indicate if the last RTP packet received contained voice activity based on the presence of the V bit in the extension header
- lastPacketReceivedTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the last packet was received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- averageRtcpInterval: The average RTCP interval between two consecutive compound RTCP packets sent for the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- headerBytesReceived: Total number of RTP header and padding bytes received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- fecPacketsReceived: Total number of FEC packets received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- fecPacketsDiscarded: Total number of FEC packets discarded over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) due to 1) late arrive; 2) the target RTP packet has already been repaired.
- bytesReceived: Total number of bytes received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) due to 1) late arrive; 2) the target RTP packet has already been repaired.
- packetsFailedDecryption: Total number of packets received and failed to decrypt over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) due to 1) late arrive; 2) the target RTP packet has already been repaired.
- packetsDuplicated: Total number of packets identified as duplicated over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc).
- perDscpPacketsReceived: The total number of DSCP flagged RTP packets received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- nackCount: Count the total number of Negative ACKnowledgement (NACK) packets sent and belongs to the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- totalProcessingDelay: The total processing delay in seconds spend on buffering RTP packets from received up until packets are decoded
- estimatedPlayoutTimestamp: The estimated playout time of the corresponded synchronization source
- jitterBufferDelay: The total time of RTP packets spent in jitterbuffer waiting for frame completion due to network uncertenity.
- jitterBufferEmittedCount: The total number of audio samples or video frames that have come out of the jitter buffer on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- decoderImplementation: Indicate the name of the decoder implementation library
- packetsSent: Total number of RTP packets sent at the remote endpoint to this endpoint on this synchronization source
- bytesSent: Total number of payload bytes sent at the remote endpoint to this endpoint on this synchronization source
- remoteTimestamp: The timestamp corresnponds to the time in UTC Epoch the remote endpoint reported the statistics belong to the sender side and correspond to the synchronization source (ssrc)
- reportsSent: The number of SR reports the remote endpoint sent corresponded to synchronization source (ssrc) this report belongs to
- ended: Flag represents if the receiver ended the media stream track or not.
- payloadType: The type of the payload the RTP packet SSRC belongs to
- mimeType: the MIME type of the codec (e.g.: video/vp8)
- clockRate: The negotiated clock rate the RTP timestamp is generated of
- channels: The number of channels for audio is used (in stereo it is 2, otherwise it is most likely null)
- sdpFmtpLine: The a=fmtp line in the SDP corresponding to the codec
Inbound Video Track Reports
Measurements of a Media Track receives video content from a remote client
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the report is generated from
- ssrc: The RTP SSRC field
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- label: The webrtc app provided label the peer connection is labeled with
- trackId: The id of the track
- sfuStreamId: The id of the Sfu stream the media from
- sfuSinkId: The id of the sink the Sfu streamed the media out
- remoteTrackId: The id of the remote track this inbound track is originated from
- remoteUserId: The webrtc app provided user id the track belongs to, or if the webrtc app did not provided the observer tried to match it
- remoteClientId: The observer matched remote client Id
- remotePeerConnectionId: The observer matched remote Peer Connection Id
- packetsReceived: The total number of packets received on the corresponded synchronization source
- packetsLost: The total number of bytes received on the corresponded synchronization source
- jitter: The corresponded synchronization source reported jitter
- packetsDiscarded: The total number of packets missed the playout point and therefore discarded by the jitterbuffer
- packetsRepaired: The total number of packets repaired by either FEC or due to retransmission on the corresponded synchronization source
- burstPacketsLost: The total number of packets lost in burst (RFC6958)
- burstPacketsDiscarded: The total number of packets discarded in burst (RFC6958)
- burstLossCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsLost on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsDiscarded on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- framesDropped: The total number of frames dropped at decoding process on the corresponding synchronization source
- partialFramesLost: The total number of partial frames lost at decoding process on the corresponding synchronization source
- fullFramesLost: The total number of full frames lost at decoding process on the corresponding synchronization source
- framesDecoded: Indicate the number of frames completly and without error decoded on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- keyFramesDecoded: Indicate the number of keyframes received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- frameWidth: Indicate the width of the frame received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- frameHeight: Indicate the height of the frame received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- frameBitDepth: Indicate the bit depth per pixel of the last decoded frame received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- framesPerSecond: Indicate the number of decoded frames in the last second received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- qpSum: sum of QP values of frames decoded on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- totalDecodeTime: The total number of seconds spent on decoding frames on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- totalInterFrameDelay: The total number of inter frame delay on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- totalSquaredInterFrameDelay: The total number of inter frame delay squere on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc) Useful for variance calculation for interframe delays
- lastPacketReceivedTimestamp: Represents the timestamp at which the last packet was received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- averageRtcpInterval: The average RTCP interval between two consecutive compound RTCP packets sent for the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- headerBytesReceived: Total number of RTP header and padding bytes received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- fecPacketsReceived: Total number of FEC packets received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- fecPacketsDiscarded: Total number of FEC packets discarded over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) due to 1) late arrive; 2) the target RTP packet has already been repaired.
- bytesReceived: Total number of bytes received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) due to 1) late arrive; 2) the target RTP packet has already been repaired.
- packetsFailedDecryption: Total number of packets received and failed to decrypt over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) due to 1) late arrive; 2) the target RTP packet has already been repaired.
- packetsDuplicated: Total number of packets identified as duplicated over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc).
- perDscpPacketsReceived: The total number of DSCP flagged RTP packets received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- firCount: Count the total number of Full Intra Request sent by this receiver and belongs to the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- pliCount: Count the total number of Picture Loss Indication sent by this receiver and belongs to the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- nackCount: Count the total number of Negative ACKnowledgement (NACK) packets sent and belongs to the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- sliCount: Count the total number of Slice Loss Indication sent by this receiver and belongs to the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- totalProcessingDelay: The total processing delay in seconds spend on buffering RTP packets from received up until packets are decoded
- estimatedPlayoutTimestamp: The estimated playout time of the corresponded synchronization source
- jitterBufferDelay: The total time of RTP packets spent in jitterbuffer waiting for frame completion due to network uncertenity.
- jitterBufferEmittedCount: The total number of audio samples or video frames that have come out of the jitter buffer on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- framesReceived: Represents the total number of complete frames received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- decoderImplementation: Indicate the name of the decoder implementation library
- packetsSent: Total number of RTP packets sent at the remote endpoint to this endpoint on this synchronization source
- bytesSent: Total number of payload bytes sent at the remote endpoint to this endpoint on this synchronization source
- remoteTimestamp: The timestamp corresnponds to the time in UTC Epoch the remote endpoint reported the statistics belong to the sender side and correspond to the synchronization source (ssrc)
- reportsSent: The number of SR reports the remote endpoint sent corresponded to synchronization source (ssrc) this report belongs to
- ended: Flag represents if the receiver ended the media stream track or not.
- payloadType: The type of the payload the RTP packet SSRC belongs to
- mimeType: the MIME type of the codec (e.g.: video/vp8)
- clockRate: The negotiated clock rate the RTP timestamp is generated of
- sdpFmtpLine: The a=fmtp line in the SDP corresponding to the codec
Outbound Audio Track Reports
Measurements of a Media Track sending audio content to a remote client
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the report is generated from
- ssrc: The RTP SSRC field
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- label: The webrtc app provided label the peer connection is labeled with
- trackId: The id of the track
- sfuStreamId: The id of the Sfu stream corresponds to the outbound track
- packetsSent: The total number of packets sent on the corresponded synchronization source
- bytesSent: The total number of bytes sent on the corresponded synchronization source
- rid: The rid encoding parameter of the corresponded synchronization source
- lastPacketSentTimestamp: the timestamp the last packet was sent. (UTC epoch in ms)
- headerBytesSent: Total number of RTP header and padding bytes sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- packetsDiscardedOnSend: Total number of RTP packets discarded at sender side over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- bytesDiscardedOnSend: Total number of RTP bytes discarded at sender side over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- fecPacketsSent: Total number of FEC packets sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- retransmittedPacketsSent: Total number of retransmitted packets sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc).
- retransmittedBytesSent: Total number of retransmitted bytes sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc).
- targetBitrate: Reflects the current encoder target in bits per second.
- totalEncodedBytesTarget: The total number of bytes of RTP coherent frames encoded completly depending on the frame size the encoder targets
- totalSamplesSent: The total number of samples sent over the corresponding synchronization source
- samplesEncodedWithSilk: The total number of samples encoded by SILK portion in opus sent over the corresponding synchronization source
- samplesEncodedWithCelt: The total number of samples encoded by CELT portion in opus sent over the corresponding synchronization source
- voiceActivityFlag: Indicate if the last RTP packet sent contained voice activity based on the presence of the V bit in the extension header
- totalPacketSendDelay: The total number of delay packets buffered at the sender side in seconds over the corresponding synchronization source
- averageRtcpInterval: The average RTCP interval between two consecutive compound RTCP packets sent for the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- perDscpPacketsSent: The total number of DSCP flagged RTP packets sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- nackCount: Count the total number of Negative ACKnowledgement (NACK) packets received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- encoderImplementation: Indicate the name of the encoder implementation library
- packetsReceived: The total number of packets received on the corresponded synchronization source
- packetsLost: The total number of bytes received on the corresponded synchronization source
- jitter: The corresponded synchronization source reported jitter
- packetsDiscarded: The total number of packets missed the playout point and therefore discarded by the jitterbuffer
- packetsRepaired: The total number of packets repaired by either FEC or due to retransmission on the corresponded synchronization source
- burstPacketsLost: The total number of packets lost in burst (RFC6958)
- burstPacketsDiscarded: The total number of packets discarded in burst (RFC6958)
- burstLossCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsLost on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsDiscarded on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- roundTripTime: RTT measurement in seconds based on (most likely) SR, and RR belongs to the corresponded synchronization source
- totalRoundTripTime: The sum of RTT measurements belongs to the corresponded synchronization source
- fractionLost: The receiver reported fractional lost belongs to the corresponded synchronization source
- reportsReceived: The total number of RR reports received, which is the base of the remote inbound calculation on this source
- roundTripTimeMeasurements: The total number of calculated RR measurements received on this source
- relayedSource: True if the corresponded media source is remote, false otherwise (or null depending on browser and version)
- audioLevel: Represents the audio level reported by the media source
- totalAudioEnergy: Represents the energy level reported by the media source
- totalSamplesDuration: Represents the total duration of the audio samples the media source actually transconverted in seconds
- echoReturnLoss: Represents the echo cancellation in decibels corresponded to the media source.
- echoReturnLossEnhancement: Represents the echo cancellation in decibels added as a postprocessing by the library after the audio is catched from the emdia source.
- ended: Flag represents if the sender ended the media stream track or not.
- payloadType: The type of the payload the RTP packet SSRC belongs to
- mimeType: the MIME type of the codec (e.g.: video/vp8)
- clockRate: The negotiated clock rate the RTP timestamp is generated of
- channels: The number of channels for audio is used (in stereo it is 2, otherwise it is most likely null)
- sdpFmtpLine: The a=fmtp line in the SDP corresponding to the codec
Outbound Video Track Reports
Measurements of a Media Track sending video content to a remote client
- serviceId: The unique identifier of the service
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- clientId: The generated unique identifier of the client
- peerConnectionId: The unique identifier of the peer connection
- sampleSeq: The sequence number of the sample the report is generated from
- ssrc: The RTP SSRC field
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- userId: webrtc app provided user identifier
- label: The webrtc app provided label the peer connection is labeled with
- trackId: The id of the track
- sfuStreamId: The id of the Sfu stream corresponds to the outbound track
- packetsSent: The total number of packets sent on the corresponded synchronization source
- bytesSent: The total number of bytes sent on the corresponded synchronization source
- rid: The rid encoding parameter of the corresponded synchronization source
- lastPacketSentTimestamp: the timestamp the last packet was sent. (UTC epoch in ms)
- headerBytesSent: Total number of RTP header and padding bytes sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- packetsDiscardedOnSend: Total number of RTP packets discarded at sender side over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- bytesDiscardedOnSend: Total number of RTP bytes discarded at sender side over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- fecPacketsSent: Total number of FEC packets sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- retransmittedPacketsSent: Total number of retransmitted packets sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc).
- retransmittedBytesSent: Total number of retransmitted bytes sent over the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc).
- targetBitrate: Reflects the current encoder target in bits per second.
- totalEncodedBytesTarget: The total number of bytes of RTP coherent frames encoded completly depending on the frame size the encoder targets
- frameWidth: Represents the height of the last encoded frame sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- frameHeight: Represents the width of the last encoded frame sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- frameBitDepth: Represents the bit depth per pixel of the last encoded frame sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- framesPerSecond: The number of encoded frames over the last second sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- framesSent: The number of frames sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- hugeFramesSent: The number of huge frames (2.5x greater than the average size of frame) sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- framesEncoded: The number of frames encoded over the corresponded synchronization source
- keyFramesEncoded: The number of keyframes sent over the corresponded synchronization source
- framesDiscardedOnSend: The number of frames discarded before sending over the corresponded synchronization source
- qpSum: The sum of QP values encoded by the encoder corresponded to the synchronization source
- totalEncodeTime: The sum of encoding time spent by the encoder corresponded to the synchronization source
- totalPacketSendDelay: The total number of delay packets buffered at the sender side in seconds over the corresponding synchronization source
- averageRtcpInterval: The average RTCP interval between two consecutive compound RTCP packets sent for the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- qualityLimitationDurationCPU: Time elapsed in seconds when the the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) was in a limited state due to CPU
- qualityLimitationDurationNone: Time elapsed in seconds when the the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) was not in a limited state
- qualityLimitationDurationBandwidth: Time elapsed in seconds when the the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) was in a limited state becasue of bandwidth
- qualityLimitationDurationOther: Time elapsed in seconds when the the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) was in a limited state becaue of other factor
- qualityLimitationReason: Indicate a reason for the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc) quality is limited
- qualityLimitationResolutionChanges: The number of quality limiatation changes happened for the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- perDscpPacketsSent: The total number of DSCP flagged RTP packets sent over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- nackCount: Count the total number of Negative ACKnowledgement (NACK) packets received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- firCount: The number of full inter requests happened over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- pliCount: The number of picture loss indication happened received over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- sliCount: The number of slice loss indication happened over the corresponding synchronization source (ssrc)
- encoderImplementation: Indicate the name of the encoder implementation library
- packetsReceived: The total number of packets received on the corresponded synchronization source
- packetsLost: The total number of bytes received on the corresponded synchronization source
- jitter: The corresponded synchronization source reported jitter
- packetsDiscarded: The total number of packets missed the playout point and therefore discarded by the jitterbuffer
- packetsRepaired: The total number of packets repaired by either FEC or due to retransmission on the corresponded synchronization source
- burstPacketsLost: The total number of packets lost in burst (RFC6958)
- burstPacketsDiscarded: The total number of packets discarded in burst (RFC6958)
- burstLossCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsLost on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardCount: The total number of burst happened causes burstPacketsDiscarded on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- burstDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during bursts proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapLossRate: The fraction of RTP packets lost during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- gapDiscardRate: The fraction of RTP packets discarded during gap proportionally to the total number of RTP packets expected in the bursts on the corresponding synchronization source
- framesDropped: The number of frames dropped over the corresponded synchronization source
- partialFramesLost: The number of partial frames lost over the corresponded synchronization source
- fullFramesLost: The number of full frames lost over the corresponded synchronization source
- roundTripTime: RTT measurement in seconds based on (most likely) SR, and RR belongs to the corresponded synchronization source
- totalRoundTripTime: The sum of RTT measurements belongs to the corresponded synchronization source
- fractionLost: The receiver reported fractional lost belongs to the corresponded synchronization source
- reportsReceived: The total number of RR reports received, which is the base of the remote inbound calculation on this source
- roundTripTimeMeasurements: The total number of calculated RR measurements received on this source
- relayedSource: True if the corresponded media source is remote, false otherwise (or null depending on browser and version)
- encodedFrameWidth: Indicate the encoded width of the frame received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- encodedFrameHeight: Indicate the encoded height of the frame received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- encodedFrameBitDepth: Indicate the encoded bit depth per pixel of the last decoded frame received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- encodedFramesPerSecond: Indicate the encoded number of decoded frames in the last second received on the corresponded synchronization source (ssrc)
- ended: Flag represents if the sender ended the media stream track or not.
- payloadType: The type of the payload the RTP packet SSRC belongs to
- mimeType: the MIME type of the codec (e.g.: video/vp8)
- clockRate: The negotiated clock rate the RTP timestamp is generated of
- channels: The number of channels for audio is used (in stereo it is 2, otherwise it is most likely null)
- sdpFmtpLine: The a=fmtp line in the SDP corresponding to the codec Report
- type: The type of the report
- payload: The payload of contans the actual report
- schemaVersion: The version of the schema the payload holds
Sfu Event Reports
SFU related events (SFU joined, SFU detached, Transport opened, Transport closed, etc.)
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- name: The name of the event. Possible values are:
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- sfuId: The generated unique identifier of the SFU
- callId: The callId the event belongs to
- transportId: SFU provided transport identifier
- mediaStreamId: Unique identifier of the SFU stream id the rtp pad belongs to
- mediaSinkId: Unique identifier of the SFU stream id the rtp pad belongs to
- sctpStreamId: Unique identifier of the SCTP stream the event is related to
- rtpPadId: Unique identifier of the Sfu Pad the event is related to
- message: the human readable message of the event
- value: the value of the event
- attachments: attachment the event may created with
Sfu Extension Reports
Arbitrary information provided by the Selective Forwarding Unit.
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- extensionType: The name of the event
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- sfuId: The generated unique identifier of the SFU
- payload: the human readable message of the event
SfuInbound Rtp Pad Reports
Measurements of an incoming RTP session traffics.
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- sfuId: The provided unique identifier of the SFU
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- transportId: The id of the transport the RTP stream uses.
- sfuStreamId: Unique identifier of the Sfu stream the event is related to
- rtpPadId: The id of RTP pad.
- ssrc: The synchronization source id of the RTP stream
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- internal: Flag indicate if the sfu rtp pad is used as an internal rtp session between SFUs
- trackId: The id of the track the RTP stream related to at the client side
- clientId: If the track id was provided by the Sfu, the observer can fill up the information of which client it belongs to
- callId: The callId the event belongs to
- mediaType: the type of the media the stream carries (“audio” or “video”)
- payloadType: The payload type field of the RTP header
- mimeType: The negotiated mimeType in the SDP
- clockRate: The clock rate of the media source the RTP header carries
- sdpFmtpLine: The actual SDP line from the negotiation related to this RTP stream
- rid: The rid parameter of the corresponded RTP stream
- rtxSsrc: If RTX is negotiated as a separate stream, this is the SSRC of the RTX stream that is associated with this stream’s ssrc.
- targetBitrate: he bitrate the corresponded stream targets.
- voiceActivityFlag: The RTP header V flag indicate of the activity of the media source by the media codec if the RTP transport ships it through
- firCount: The total number FIR packets sent from this endpoint to the source on the corresponded RTP stream. Only for Video streams
- pliCount: The total number of Picture Loss Indication sent on the corresponded RTP stream. Only for Video streams
- nackCount: The total number of negative acknowledgement received on the corresponded RTP stream.
- sliCount: The total number of SLI indicator sent from the endpoint on the corresponded RTP stream. Only for Audio stream
- packetsLost: The total number of packets lost on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsReceived: The total number of packets received on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsDiscarded: The total number of discarded packets on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsRepaired: The total number of packets repaired by either retransmission or FEC on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsFailedDecryption: The total number of packets failed to be decrypted on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsDuplicated: The total number of duplicated packets appeared on the corresponded RTP stream.
- fecPacketsReceived: The total number of FEC packets received on the corresponded RTP stream.
- fecPacketsDiscarded: The total number of FEC packets discarded on the corresponded RTP stream.
- bytesReceived: The total amount of payload bytes received on the corresponded RTP stream.
- rtcpSrReceived: The total number of SR reports received by the corresponded RTP stream
- rtcpRrSent: The total number of RR reports sent on the corresponded RTP stream
- rtxPacketsReceived: If rtx packets are sent or received on the same stream then this number indicates how may has been sent
- rtxPacketsDiscarded: If rtx packets are received on the same stream then this number indicates how may has been discarded
- framesReceived: The number of frames received on the corresponded RTP stream
- framesDecoded: Indicate the number of frames the Sfu has been decoded
- keyFramesDecoded: Indicate the number of keyframes the Sfu has been decoded
- fractionLost: The calculated fractionLost of the stream
- jitter: The calculated jitter of the stream
- roundTripTime: The calculated RTT of the stream
Sfu Outbound Rtp Pad Reports
Measurements of an incoming RTP session traffics
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- sfuId: The provided unique identifier of the SFU
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- transportId: The id of the transport the RTP stream uses.
- sfuStreamId: Unique identifier of the Sfu stream the event is related to
- sfuSinkId: Unique identifier of the Sfu sink the event is related to
- rtpPadId: The id of RTP pad.
- ssrc: The synchronization source id of the RTP stream
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- internal: Flag indicate if the sfu rtp pad is used as an internal rtp session between SFUs
- callId: The callId the event belongs to
- clientId: If the track id was provided by the Sfu, the observer can fill up the information of which client it belongs to
- trackId: The id of the track the RTP stream related to at the client side
- mediaType: the type of the media the stream carries (“audio” or “video”)
- payloadType: The payload type field of the RTP header
- mimeType: The negotiated mimeType in the SDP
- clockRate: The clock rate of the media source the RTP header carries
- sdpFmtpLine: The actual SDP line from the negotiation related to this RTP stream
- rid: The rid parameter of the corresponded RTP stream
- rtxSsrc: If RTX is negotiated as a separate stream, this is the SSRC of the RTX stream that is associated with this stream’s ssrc.
- targetBitrate: he bitrate the corresponded stream targets.
- voiceActivityFlag: The RTP header V flag indicate of the activity of the media source by the media codec if the RTP transport ships it through
- firCount: The total number FIR packets sent from this endpoint to the source on the corresponded RTP stream. Only for Video streams
- pliCount: The total number of Picture Loss Indication sent on the corresponded RTP stream. Only for Video streams
- nackCount: The total number of negative acknowledgement received on the corresponded RTP stream.
- sliCount: The total number of SLI indicator sent from the endpoint on the corresponded RTP stream. Only for Audio stream
- packetsLost: The total number of packets lost on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsSent: The total number of packets sent on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsDiscarded: The total number of discarded packets on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsRetransmitted: The total number of packets retransmitted on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsFailedEncryption: The total number of packets failed to be encrypted on the corresponded RTP stream.
- packetsDuplicated: The total number of duplicated packets appeared on the corresponded RTP stream.
- fecPacketsSent: The total number of FEC packets sent on the corresponded RTP stream.
- fecPacketsDiscarded: The total number of FEC packets discarded on the corresponded RTP stream.
- bytesSent: The total amount of payload bytes sent on the corresponded RTP stream.
- rtcpSrSent: The total number of SR reports sent by the corresponded RTP stream
- rtcpRrReceived: The total number of RR reports received on the corresponded RTP stream
- rtxPacketsSent: If rtx packets sent on the same stream then this number indicates how may has been sent
- rtxPacketsDiscarded: If rtx packets are received on the same stream then this number indicates how may has been discarded
- framesSent: The number of frames sent on the corresponded RTP stream
- framesEncoded: Indicate the number of frames the Sfu has been encoded
- keyFramesEncoded: Indicate the number of keyframes the Sfu has been encoded on the corresponded RTP stream
Sfu Meta Reports
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- sfuId: The generated unique identifier of the SFU
- callId: The callId the event belongs to
- transportId: SFU provided transport identifier
- mediaStreamId: Unique identifier of the SFU stream id the rtp pad belongs to
- mediaSinkId: Unique identifier of the SFU stream id the rtp pad belongs to
- sctpStreamId: Unique identifier of the SCTP stream the event is related to
- rtpPadId: Unique identifier of the Sfu Pad the event is related to
- type: The type of the meta data reported for the peer connection
- payload: The payload for the metadata reported for the peeer connection
Sfu SCTP Stream Reports
Measurements of an SCTP session traffics
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- sfuId: The provided unique identifier of the SFU
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- transportId: The id of the transport the RTP stream uses.
- streamId: The id of the sctp stream
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- label: The label of the sctp stream
- protocol: The protocol used to establish an sctp stream
- sctpSmoothedRoundTripTime: The latest smoothed round-trip time value, corresponding to spinfo_srtt defined in [RFC6458] but converted to seconds. If there has been no round-trip time measurements yet, this value is undefined.
- sctpCongestionWindow: The latest congestion window, corresponding to spinfo_cwnd defined in [RFC6458].
- sctpReceiverWindow: The latest receiver window, corresponding to sstat_rwnd defined in [RFC6458].
- sctpMtu: The latest maximum transmission unit, corresponding to spinfo_mtu defined in [RFC6458].
- sctpUnackData: The number of unacknowledged DATA chunks, corresponding to sstat_unackdata defined in [RFC6458].
- messageReceived: The number of message received on the corresponded SCTP stream.
- messageSent: The number of message sent on the corresponded SCTP stream.
- bytesReceived: The number of bytes received on the corresponded SCTP stream.
- bytesSent: The number of bytes sent on the corresponded SCTP stream.
Sfu Transport Reports
Measurements of network traffic between an SFU and an endpoint
- serviceId: The service id the report belongs to
- mediaUnitId: The media unit id the report belongs to
- sfuId: The provided unique identifier of the SFU
- timestamp: The timestamp when the corresponded data is generated for the report (UTC Epoch in ms)
- transportId: The generated unique identifier of the transport
- marker: The marker the originated sample is reported with
- callId: The generated unique identifier of the call
- roomId: webrtc app provided room id
- dtlsState: Represent the current value of the state attribute of the underlying RTCDtlsTransport.
- iceState: Represent the current value of the state attribute of the underlying RTCIceTransport
- sctpState: Represents the the current value of the SCTP state of the transport of the SFU
- iceRole: Represent the current value of the role SFU takes place in ICE
- localAddress: The local address of the ICE candidate selected for the transport (IPv4, IPv6, FQDN)
- localPort: The local port number
- protocol: The protocol used by the transport
- remoteAddress: The remote address of the ICE candidate selected for the transport (IPv4, IPv6, FQDN)
- remotePort: The remote port number
- rtpBytesReceived: The total amount of RTP bytes received on this transport
- rtpBytesSent: The total amount of RTP bytes sent on this transport
- rtpPacketsReceived: The total amount of RTP packets received on this transport
- rtpPacketsSent: The total amount of RTP packets sent on this transport
- rtpPacketsLost: The total amount of RTP packets lost on this transport
- rtxBytesReceived: The total amount of RTX bytes received on this transport
- rtxBytesSent: The total amount of RTX bytes sent on this transport
- rtxPacketsReceived: The total amount of RTX packets received on this transport
- rtxPacketsSent: The total amount of RTX packets sent on this transport
- rtxPacketsLost: The total amount of RTX packets lost on this transport
- rtxPacketsDiscarded: The total amount of RTX packets discarded on this transport
- sctpBytesReceived: The total amount of SCTP bytes received on this transport
- sctpBytesSent: The total amount of SCTP bytes sent on this transport
- sctpPacketsReceived: The total amount of SCTP packets received on this transport
- sctpPacketsSent: The total amount of SCTP packets sent on this transport